2008年2月29日 星期五
A message from Korea
我在Facebook的Super Wall中有一封新的Message,
"Hey man~ How's it going there?
Last friday, I was graduate school, and I've got a job in Korea.
So now I'm a bussiness man~!
I really hope to see u, someday~!!
Have a nice daY!"
Lee, I always call his nick name "Doc", where we meet each other at NCSU summer school.
It's was last summer, my lovely room mate.
Now, he graduated from graduate school and going to work in Korea.
But i still a student in university, and also, i really want to go to Korea to see friends i made at NCSU.
However, Congratulations!
Best wish to my dear friend, Doc!
2008年2月27日 星期三
2008年2月24日 星期日
Lantern Festival
And in Taiwan we just celebrate with a huge display of decorative lanterns.
But this year i had no chance to celebrate it, cause i had to work till Saturday.
And after the class on Saturday, it's rained and chill. It made me stay at home and of course i had works to do. Till Sunday afternoon, i finally finished my homeworks. But thought about the distance between downtown and the petroleum price, i made myself to stay at home,too.
What a boring weekend i had = =
2008年2月22日 星期五
Dinner at IKEA
After a long line, we finally enjoyed our meal. Dinner with half price is the main reason we went there :)
To sum up,
a plate of pork with curry sauce = $60
a scoop of ice cream = $10
a shower towel = $135
a cup of espresso = Free
enjoyment = infinity!
2008年2月19日 星期二
Some feeling
This days i'm reading "KAFKA Für Eilige", which is a book talk about Kafka's life and works.
And i finished a film named "The Edukator", or「替天行盜」in Chinese.
Jan是Peter的死黨兼室友,他們在夜晚進行「替天行盜」的整人遊戲,把奢華的家具大搬風,以「教育者The Edukator」署名留下「好日子不多了!」的紙條。懷著怨忿的他們在Hardenberg家中搗亂時卻碰上了屋主返家,只好將錯就錯地綁架他到深山裡躲鋒頭。孰料三人行的默契隨著Jan與Jule情愫曝光後面臨考驗,而自顧不暇的他們在談話中更發現今日的保守富豪昨日也曾是68學運的基進份子,─這世界到底是怎麼一回事?在孤獨的革命反叛路上該如何堅持前行?本片勾勒了青年運動者的信仰與困境,隨著主角旅途的開展,觀眾也經歷了一場正義理念與實踐的自我辯證,直視所謂「進步青年」在實現理想和爭取社會認同之間折衝掙扎的困境。
話說,當我看完時,沒有多想就去挑下一部film來看。但是今天上法理學時 Herr 張提到說,法理學/法律哲學是一門「反省的學問」。我們進入法律學習領域前,是否有一個理想,preparing for national exams, learning the laws to keep justice or just want to making money...whatever u think. 但是當我們真正接觸法律後,是否真正達到自己的目的,所學是否是自己當初所喜歡、所嚮往的?我想多數的人可能無法摸著良心大聲的說 "This is what i want/like."
老師在後半堂課中放了一部 documentary film "刑法100",訴說著當我們以哲學角度審視法律時,你真得相信現行的法律是合法合理的嗎?是否會像 Hitler時期的 Germany一樣,Hitler雖是民選出來的,合法,但是那時期所制定的法律是否合理?又將 Jews關進集中營的法律呢?
Legal, but not Reasonable.
回到正題,替天行盜中 Herr Hardenberg年輕時的當年勇,與今日之 Millionaire形象,有著十萬八千里的差別,片中一度以為他接受了年輕人的精神,而重燃心中的那小火苗,但是片尾來個 Big U-Turn,果然,人是犯賤的,俗話說"由儉入奢易,由奢入儉難",到手的肥羊誰會放掉呢?
看看凱達格蘭大道頭的那歷史建築的現任主人,以及正在妄想入主的 buyer吧。
2008年2月17日 星期日
2008年2月13日 星期三
A 5000NTD phone bill
I received a call just few minutes ago. It's was a disaster cause my mom tell me that last two months my cell phone bill is almost 5,000NTD.
OMG! OMG! OMG! This is the most expensive phone bill that i ever had.
God damn it!
Now i remember that the one who i called the most last Dec.
Thank you, Mr. CA!
2008年2月11日 星期一
Today's menu
I had the chance cause my parents have a discount from having a co-branded credit card, therefore we had a meal there.
I don't know which level(4 or 5 stars?) is Howard Taichung, but i do know is it's not cheap for having a meal in this restaurant - 495 each person at afternoon tea time.
I eat sushi, goose liver(foie gras), BBQ, and pasta, etc and as the intro. of Mirage "Eastern, Western and Japanese cuisines, exquisite desserts, fresh and delicious juices and drinks for your selection. Tantalize your taste buds in the bright and cheerful dining environment with warm, attentive service."
I really had a good time there.
2008年2月8日 星期五
One fact about exercise
How little exercise can u do and still be healthy?
The answer is less than u may thought.
For the first time in more than a decade, two major U.S. medical associations have revised their physical-activity guidelines, and the result may disappoint these with pricey gym memberships. Turns out that all u need is 30 mins. per day of brisk walking five days a week and 8-10 strength-training exercises like sit-ups or push-ups twice a week.
Easy, indeed.
So I think it's time to set a regular exercise plan, ummmm...... maybe I need to add this plan to my goal :)
2008年2月4日 星期一
Asa - eye adaba
Asa - Eye Adaba
Oju mo ti mo Oju mo ti mo mi Ni le yi o o Oju mo ti mo - mo ri re o
Eye adaba Eye adaba Eye adaba ti n fo lo ke lo ke Wa ba le mi o o Oju mo ti mo mo ri re o
I wake up at dawn As it dawn’s upon me I wake up to the sun Shining upon me
I see doves in the sky Birds flying high Then in silence I pray for peace For my people