2008年12月31日 星期三
The End of 2008
Cast - Mairi Campbell & Dave Fran
彼得‧杜拉克在《My Personal History》提到,持續學習的必要性,設定出3年的長期學習計畫和短期3個月的學習計畫是目前我所要做的目標。
2008年12月26日 星期五
2008年12月17日 星期三
Ponzi scheme
1920年,意大利移民龐茲(Charles Ponzi)在美國設計了一宗全國聞名的騙局,透過一家空殼公司,做國際郵政聯會發行的郵政票券(Postal coupons)買賣,聲稱由於歐洲貨幣兌美元貶值,他能以低價購進郵政票券,然後在美國換取美國郵票圖利。
SEC investigating 'multiple failures' in Madoff fraud case
The government commission tasked with protecting investors has launched an internal probe into why, despite credible allegations for at least 10 years, there were "multiple failures" in investigating what may have been the largest Ponzi scheme in history.
The federal Securities and Exchange Commission said Tuesday that allegations against Bernard Madoff and his securities firm had "repeatedly" been brought to the attention of SEC staff as early as 1999 but were not recommended to the commission for action.
"I am gravely concerned by the apparent multiple failures over at least a decade to thoroughly investigate these allegations or at any point to seek formal authority to pursue them," said commission Chairman Christopher Cox in a written statement.
Federal prosecutors have charged Madoff with securities fraud that could result in huge losses to financial firms worldwide, charities and individual investors.
The alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme operated by Madoff from his investment advisory business may have cost some of the largest financial firms in the world hundreds of millions of dollars apiece.
A federal judge on Monday issued an order that may help investors swindled by the scheme to recover some of their money.The order, by U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York Louis Standon, said customers of Bernard Madoff Investment Securities are "in need of protection" under federal securities law.
Cox said he had directed a "full and immediate" review into the past allegations made against Madoff and his firm and into why staff members did not act on them.
The investigation also should include any contacts SEC staffers may have had with the Madoff family and firm and what effect, if any, those relationships may have had on staff decisions.
Cox said that, since the commission initiated emergency action against Madoff and his firm on Thursday, "every necessary resource at the SEC has been dedicated to pursuing the investigation, protecting customer assets and holding both Mr. Madoff and others who may have been involved accountable.""Although the information I can share regarding an ongoing investigation is limited, progress to date indicates that Mr. Madoff kept several sets of books and false documents, and provided false information involving his advisory activities to investors and to regulators," he said.
Madoff made an initial court appearance last week and was freed on $10 million bond.2008年12月11日 星期四
Taiwan is in danger of losing independent Public Television Services
The Kuomintang (KMT) legislative caucus proposed new legislative measures on Tuesday (Dec. 9) that, if enacted, would violate the widely embraced principle of government and military non-interference in the Fourth Estate and deprive Public Television Services and its member channels, Taiwan Indigenous Television, Taiwan Hakka Television and Taiwan Macroview Television of their independence.
If the proposed legislation is passed, the above four public television channels would require prior item-by-item governmental approval for all budgetary dispersals. The KMT party holds an over three-quarters majority in the legislature. President Ma Ying-Jeou is a member and former KMT party chairman.
Public Television Services Foundation issued an emergency public statement on Tuesday evening critical of the proposed measures. In the statement, the foundation appeals to the public to support the independence of Public Television and uphold Taiwan’s democratic values.
↓The official statement by the PTS
Public Television Service Foundation Statement
Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS) was founded in the spirit of the Public Television Act to strengthen the development of public television broadcasting in Taiwan. PTS’s core mission is to establish a public broadcasting system in service of the public interest, maintain independent and autonomous media operation, and defend freedom of speech and the public’s right to know where the corporate media is unable to deliver.
However, at a time when PTS should be celebrating its 10th anniversary, US$14 million – half of the legally appropriated annual budget of US$28 million – has been frozen by the Legislative Yuan for nearly one year. During this time, PTS has made every effort to communicate with the Legislative Yuan through official channels and appealed for assistance from the Government Information Office (GIO).
PTS has further demonstrated ample good faith through the submission of assorted operational plans and performance reports in the effort to justify the resumption of its budget. However, not only have these actions failed to elicit a direct response from the GIO, neither has the Legislative Yuan offered a clear rationale for the continued budget freeze. Similarly, the GIO has also failed to respond to PTS’s request for assistance in retaining the suspended US$14 million budget.
The budget suspension has had a dire impact upon PTS, hampering daily operation, program production, and the payment of fees to commissioned production houses and partners. On December 9, 2008, we were shocked to learn that the Education and Culture Committee and Internal Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan have each passed the proposition to impose the resolution on Public Television. The proposal states that Public Television Service (PTS), Taiwan Indigenous TV (TITV), Hakka TV, and Macroview TV can only disburse programming and production budgets upon prior item-by-item government approval. The resolution even contains the further provisions that would empower the Council of Indigenous Peoples, Council for Hakka Affairs, and Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission to exercise censorship and oversight over the programming policy and daily operation of their respective subordinate media agencies.
The proposed legislation seriously violates the social consensus for all political parties to withdraw from media operation. Further, it seriously threatens the independence of public media and violates the intent of The Statute of Disposition of Government-owned Shares in Terrestrial TV Industry. If passed, it would signify the undoing of hard-won freedom of the media and democratic progress in Taiwan.
PTS operates in strict accordance with the legal responsibilities accorded in the Public TV Act. Over the course of its history PTS has never transgressed its designated role and has always respected criticism and suggestions from the legislature and society. However, we will never accept unjustified interference in our independence, and will take whatever steps necessary to protect the freedom of public media and the core democratic values that the people of Taiwan have cultivated at great cost.
PTS website
如今,在公共電視創台十週年之際,九十七年度法定編列捐贈預算九億元,自去年十二月中遭立法院凍結四億五仟萬元,迄今已長達十二個月仍未撥付。期間公共電 視透過正常程序不斷向立法院溝通、向新聞局求援,一切努力,從未間斷;同時更已盡最大努力,配合立法院之需求提供一切管理營運計畫與績效報告,以爭取年度 法定預算之解凍,但至今不僅仍未獲得立法院正面之回應,立法院亦未明確告知不解凍之理由。對於主管機關新聞局,公共電視在十一月中亦去函要求協助對仍遭凍 結的四億五仟萬元預算申請年度保留,但迄今,同樣未獲新聞局正式回覆。
值此年終歲末之際,公共電視依法應編列捐贈之預算仍有四億五仟萬元遭凍結,已嚴重影響公共電視日常營運週轉、節目製播,以及廠商往來付款之正常運作。昨 (12/09)日更驚見立法院教育文化委員會與內政委員會分別通過對公共電視台、原住民族電視台、客家電視台、宏觀電視台之九十八年度預算執行施以附加決 議,要求各台於執行明年度預算時須逐項報請主管機關核可同意始能動支,更明文要求原住民族委員會、客家委員會、僑務委員會等機關要對所主管之電視台執行節 目製播、審核、監督之責。
公共電視一切營運乃根據公視法所賦予的法定責任,從未逾越,並尊重立法院與全體公民對公共電視之批評與指教,但絕不接受任 何可能破壞媒體獨立自主,損害公共媒體價值之不當干預。公共電視更將盡一切力量捍衛媒體自由與台灣得來不易的民主價值,為全國人民保存一塊媒體淨土,並籲 請所有珍惜民主價值的國人同胞共同支持。
董事長 鄭同僚
總經理 馮賢賢
執行副總 鍾裕淵
副總經理 林惠英
副總經理 郭至楨
一級主管 徐秋華.丁曉菁.何國華.林樂群‧吳忠山
原文連結2008年11月26日 星期三
Chinese Democracy 中國民主
In the dictionary definition, democracy "is government by the people in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system."
In the phrase of Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Then, Democracy in China?
Apparently, Not So Fast.
這當然不是一篇多偉大,多了不起,談論民主怎樣怎樣的文章,我要提的只是Guns N Roses的新曲Chinese Democracy而已。以上。
"Chinese Democracy" from Guns N Roses, just take a look.
It don't really matter
Gonna find out for yourself
No it don't really matter
You're gonna leave this thing to
Somebody else
If they were missionaries
Real time visionaries
Sitting in a Chinese stew
To view my dis-infatu-ation
I know that I'm a classic case
Watch my disenchanted face
Blame it on the Falun Gong*
They've seen the end and you can't hold on now
Cause it would take a lot more hate than you
To win the fascination
Even with an iron fist
All they got to rule the nation
But all I got is precious time
It don't really matter
You're gonna find out for yourself
No it don't really matter
So you can hear now from
Somebody else
Cause it would take a lot more time than you
I've got more masturbation
Even with your iron fist
All they got to rule the nation but all I got is
Precious time
All they got to rule the nation but all I got is
Precious time
It don't really matter
I guess you'll find out for yourself
No it don't really matter
So you can hear it now from
Somebody else
You think you got it all locked up inside
And if you beat them all up they'll die
Then you'll walk them home for the cells
Then now you'll dig for your road back to hell
And with your ? makes you stop
As if your eyes were their eyes you can tell
And you're out of time
*Falun Gong(法輪功)is a spiritual practice founded in China by Li Hongzhi(李洪志)in 1992.It has five sets of meditation exercises and seeks to develop practitioners' hearts and character according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, articulated in the main books Falun Gongand and Zhuan Falun.
2008年11月18日 星期二
消費券 人人有獎!?

Nov. 電影清單(完成)
one more time, one more chance超好聽,
2. 烏龜游泳意外迅速(亀は意外と速く泳ぐ) (日本):
3. 鬼店(The Shining) (美國):
All work and no Play makes Jack a dull boy.
2008年10月4日 星期六
2008年9月29日 星期一
Typhoon Jangmi
2008年9月15日 星期一
[轉載]Merrill之後Morgan Stanley和Goldman前途未卜
Merrill之後Morgan Stanley和Goldman前途未卜
【鉅亨網編譯趙健君‧綜合外電】 Bank of America Corp.( BAC(US) ;美國銀行) 收購 Merrill Lynch & Co.( MER(US) ;美林) 之後,剩下的兩 大券商Morgan Stanley( MS(US) ;摩根士丹利)和Goldman Sachs Group( GS(US) ;高盛) 的未來動向成為華爾街矚目的焦點。
分析師認為,Morgan Stanley可能被收購,而收購者也許是大型外資銀行,如 Barclays PLC(BARC-UK), 而非美國商業銀行。
Bank of America 收購 Merrill的應該不會遭遇太多障礙。NAB Research分析師Nancy Bush表示,Bank of America 可能要取得主管機構的諒解,因為可能無法達到一些資本要求,及10%的全國存款限制。JP Morgan ( JPM(US) )之前收購Bear Stearns,就獲得政府在資本方面的通融。
Lehman Brothers( LEH(US) ) 因潛在買家放棄,恐走向清算一途,華爾街為之震撼。
現在投資人開始思考,Morgan Stanley是否會被迫購併,但在 Bank of America買下 Merrill後,多數觀察家認為,應該沒有美國大型銀行會收購Morgan Stanley。Wells Fargo & Co.( WFC(US) ) 和U.S. Bancorp( USB(US) )雖然有財力,但從未表達此意願。
NAB Research分析師Bush表示,Morgan Stanley也許會與 Goldman Sachs合併,使得華爾街只剩下一家大型投資銀行。
但關鍵在於兩家公司本周公佈的財報。 Goldman將在本周二公佈年度第3季財報, Morgan Stanley則在周三公佈上季獲利數字。市場擔心 2家公司將面臨重創 Lehman的同樣房貸資產問題。
分析師預估, 2家公司將分別減記 10-20億美元的資產價值。但幸好,其餘業務狀況良好,可讓 2家公司維持獲利。
Lehman第 3季虧損39億美元,並減記78億美元資產價值。即使 Goldman和Morgan Stanley體質優於同業, 但其財報數字可能突顯華爾街的前途多艱。企業購併和交易業務走下坡,降低對債務的依賴,已使他們更難從投資中獲利。
Goldman受到的衝擊可能尤其嚴重。分析師預期年度第 3季每股獲利較去年同期銳減 72%至1.73美元。 Morgan Stanley上季獲利也預期下滑 44%至每股77美分 。
2008年9月12日 星期五
2008年9月8日 星期一
What do you want to do?
2008年9月1日 星期一
[轉載]俄羅斯外交孤立 中國漁翁得利
中國態度模糊 無意挺俄也不挺西方
拉攏中亞夥伴 低調出錢出力
中國插旗中亞 改變地緣政治面貌
2008年8月28日 星期四
最搶戲配角 小柯夫婦超完美政治秀
柯 林頓夫婦無疑是這次大會最搶戲的配角,從群眾對其熱情不減的反應來看,這對夫妻在民主黨內確實有不可抹滅的人氣與魅力。漫長的黨內初選傷了和氣,也造成民 主黨選民的分裂。這次大會重要目的就是營造黨內團結氣氛,好讓希拉蕊支持者能夠支持奧巴馬,同時避免共和黨見縫插針,利用柯林頓夫婦過去對奧巴馬的批評, 做為攻擊奧巴馬的子彈。
雖然評論家及現場黨代表,對於柯林頓夫婦是否真心挺奧巴馬有不同看法,但他們在形式上至少做到讓人無法挑剔,由希拉 蕊提議口頭表決通過奧巴馬的提名是再次表態。而柯林頓以超過觀察家預期的慷慨演說推薦奧巴馬,更是做得漂亮。美國政治既然不是成王敗寇,而是利益分配的民 主遊戲,柯林頓夫婦的進退之道顯示他們都是成熟且上道的政治人物。
Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention Part 1
Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention Part 2
Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention Part 3
2008年8月26日 星期二
Anyone else but you
You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on you're back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
Here is the church and here is the steeple
We sure are cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
We both have shiny happy fits of rage
You want more fans, I want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
You are always trying to keep it real
I'm in love with how you feel
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
The pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me
So why can't, you forgive me?
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
Du du du du du du du du du dudu
Du du du du du du du du du dudu
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you
This is the ending song from "JUNO", enjoy it!
2008年8月17日 星期日
BW原文 ↓
Georgia: A Blow to U.S. Energy
The plans of the U.S. and Western oil companies for expanded pipelines in the Caspian region may well be a casualty of Russia's attack
The sudden war in the Caucasus brought Georgia to heel, reasserted Russia's claim as the dominant force in the region, and dealt a blow to U.S. prestige. But in this part of the world, diplomacy and war are about oil and gas as much as they are about hegemony and the tragic loss of human life. Victory in Georgia now gives Russia the edge in the struggle over access to the Caspian's 35 billion barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of gas. The probable losers: the U.S. and those Western oil companies that have bet heavily on the Caspian as one of the few regions where they could still operate with relative freedom.
At the core of the struggle is a vast network of actual and planned pipelines for shipping Caspian Sea oil to the world market from countries that were once part of the Soviet empire. American policymakers working with a BP-led consortium had already helped build oil and natural gas pipelines across Georgia to the Turkish coast. Next on the drawing board: another pipeline through Georgia to carry natural gas from the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to Austria—offering an alternate supply to Western Europe, which now depends on Russia for a third of its energy.
But after the mauling Georgia got, "any chance of a new non-Russian pipeline out of Central Asia and into Europe is pretty much dead," says Chris Ruppel, an energy analyst at Execution, a brokerage in Greenwich, Conn. The risk of building a pipeline through countries vulnerable to the wrath of Russia is just too high.
The Russia-Georgia war thus may have dealt a blow to 15 years of American economic diplomacy. Back in the mid-1990s, Clinton Administration officials looking at a map of the recently dismantled Soviet Union grasped a singular fact about its southern perimeter: The newly independent countries there were overflowing with oil and natural gas but had to ship it via Russia to reach customers. Without pipelines of their own, the Caspian states would never fully develop their energy industries, or be politically independent of Russia. The lack of pipelines also curbed the export potential of companies like Chevron, which owns half of Tengiz, the giant Kazakhstan oilfield. After first resisting, BP (BP) and Chevron (CVX) backed the American pipeline strategy.
Moscow's Anger
Georgia was a key transit point for any line to the West. John Wolf, a former U.S. ambassador and now head of the Eisenhower Fellowship program in Philadelphia, was in the thick of the bargaining and arm-twisting that created the so-called East-West Energy Corridor. Wolf recalls powwowing with the leaders of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey on the construction of what would become the 1,000-mile-long Baku-Ceyhan, the Caspian's first independent oil export pipeline. These leaders knew they risked provoking Russia's wrath but figured the gamble was worth it, Wolf says. Now almost 1 million barrels a day normally course through the pipeline. For Georgia, it's not the fees it collects from pipeline transit—about $60 million annually—that are important. Instead, the pipeline's presence signaled Georgia's stability and encouraged a flood of foreign investment.
That stability, of course, has proved illusory. Yet the Russians won't interfere with the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline directly, analysts say. Moscow's strategy depends on not spooking the Europeans, who might then be encouraged to back the construction of other non-Russian energy pipelines. Since there have been no confirmed attacks on the pipelines running through Georgia, no European leader has called for a reconsideration of energy policy.
Besides, the Russians may not need to shut down the Baku-Ceyhan line to win the advantage in the energy wars. "There's no doubt that what's happening has increased the investment risk within the region," says Nick Butler, a former senior executive at BP who directs the Cambridge Centre for Energy Studies at the University of Cambridge's Judge Business School. Already, on Aug. 12, BP shut down a secondary oil pipeline that ends at Georgia's Black Sea port of Supsa, saying there could be a risk of attack on the line.
Russia's Pipeline Plans
Both Chevron and ExxonMobil (XOM) had also planned to ship hundreds of thousands of additional barrels a day along the route traversing Georgia. Now that may be subject to change. "Do you want to put more eggs in the South Caucasus basket?" asks Edward C. Chow, a former Chevron executive and now a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic & International Studies in Washington."And if you do, are there certain accommodations that need to be made with the Russians to protect them?"
What about the White House's plans for a pipeline to ship natural gas to Europe? The proposed pipeline's success depends on Turkmenistan, which has the fourth-largest natural gas reserves on the planet, an estimated 3 trillion cubic meters. The Turkmen are cautious: Under former President Saparmurat Niyazov, they refused to defy the Russians and support the construction of the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline. "[Niyazov] thought about it and probably decided he didn't want to wake up dead," says former U.S. diplomat Wolf.
The assault on Georgia may make the Turkmen even more wary of the new pipeline. Instead, they may end up cutting a deal with the Russians, who are vigorously pursuing new gas pipelines of their own in a bid to dominate energy in the region. "A new Iron Curtain," says analyst Ruppel, "is descending around the periphery of Russia."
2008年8月16日 星期六
二中與我 by c4emp
經過一個上午四節課的摧殘,又到了一日中最令人高興的時刻 ─ 午休時間。他總是替我把滿臉的污垢擦拭乾淨,這舉動總是令我怦然心動,之後,我們紛紛進入了夢鄉。
2008年8月9日 星期六
The Internationale
紅軍電影"烽火赤焰萬里情"(Reds),1981年華倫.比提(Warren Beatty)自編自導完成這部作品時,意識型態和共產革命的英雄塑造,引發相當批判,因為當時蘇聯尚未解體,共產主義還在和資本主義對決。
"烽"片在台灣曾經遭禁演,因為電影描述的就是曾經參與蘇聯建國革命,寫下《震撼世界的十天》現場新聞報導的美國左傾記者約翰.瑞德 (John Reed)的故事。俄國共產黨奪權成功、改朝換代,都因為他人在莫斯科和聖彼得堡現場採訪,所以有了英文的書寫紀錄。身為一位記者,他見証了歷史;做為一位工人運動的信仰者,他也目擊了工人革命從理論的到實踐的過程。然而,理想歸理想,現實歸現實,在共產「國際歌(The Internationale)」的澎湃煽情下,人們都願意獻身,然而接下來的權力分配和利益競逐,卻也註定使得理想主義者的美夢逐一幻滅。
The Internationale (English+French+Chinese)
The Internationale (Chinese Red Rock)
2008年8月8日 星期五

作者為紐約的新學院大學教授國際事務 Project Syndicate
不過大陸出口增加率在2003及04年高達35%後,即開始下降,到2007年還能維持25%以上;但今年3月以後急轉直下,6月增加17.2%,僅及高峰時的一半;整個上半年出口增加率降至21.8%。揆其原因,對出口主要對象美國的出口增加率,近兩年半來,每下愈況,今年上半年僅增加8.9%,與 2003-05年平均增加32.5%比較,下降3/4以上;致使對美出口占總出口比重自2005年的21.4%,今年上半年下降至17.5%。其次,對日出口比重同期也下降2.7個百分點,給予大陸出口重創。幸好,大陸對亞洲的印度、東協與韓國,對歐洲尤其東歐,以及對拉丁美洲的巴西、阿根廷等出口大幅增加,使其今年上半年總出口還能維持20%以上的成長率。顯然大陸出口地區的分散,發揮了相當大的作用。
在出口產品方面,以電子、資訊、機械、電機、交通工具及光學、照相機及精密儀器等技術含量較高產品出口,占總出口比重,近年來不斷提高,自2001年的 38.6%,今年上半年提高至52.1%,已成為大陸出口的主導力量。反觀台灣此等產品出口所占總出口比重,同時期卻自61.6%降到56.3%,顯然台灣在廠商外移後,國內產業升級努力不足,需要加把勁。
2008年8月7日 星期四
Yesterday my sister called me that she received the postcard which i mailed from PRC and this morning my mom also called me that she got it.
Here it is ↓
是否只有離開父母時我們才是真正的成長...A truly grown up?
2008年8月6日 星期三
2008年8月5日 星期二
Kurt Vonnegut先生,你幹麼把笑說得這麼傳神,那麼便辟入理,該死,害我想到一個人當眾被取笑時,臉上還要面帶微笑,嘴角的肌肉卻隱約抽動著的感覺,yes...fear!
2008年8月4日 星期一
而401期天下cover story正是「北京 PK 台北」。
韓良露:「台北是一個邁向中年的城市,這個城市就會要求一個quility of life。」
2008年7月19日 星期六
2008年6月28日 星期六
2008年6月25日 星期三
2008年6月20日 星期五
2008年6月3日 星期二
2008年5月28日 星期三
Coldplay - Viva La Vida
Although there are both positive and negative comments from the internet,
but i just love the rhyme and lyric.
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never, never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)
I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh
2008年5月17日 星期六
How long haven't update my blogger?
It's been long haven't update my blogger!
I have no excuse, but i really don't have much passion in here......
Maybe i have too much work to do or maybe...
too much maybe
too many pop-up-things
wanna relax!
2008年5月9日 星期五
A long period of midterm exam
is the first shot of my midterm exam
and till May 1st, I was facing 7 test of my subjects.
I was wondering if I can relax,
but everything always goes different as i thought.
After May 1st, I was facing another challenge and that is the week of G&L.
Hope everything will be perfect!
2008年4月6日 星期日
City Cruise
last month i took KRTC nearly everyday.
yes, only myself.
April. 6th 捷運免費的最後一日,
8:42 P.M.
9:03 P.M.
9:26 P.M.
9:43 P.M.
9:55 P.M.
10:25 P.M.
2008年4月5日 星期六
2008年3月29日 星期六
2008年3月25日 星期二
Free Starbucks coffee
結果一下課後,我跟蟲蟲馬上就回家change clothes,然後殺到oil refinery elementary school station搭KRTC到Zuoing station,搶拿免費coffee.
話說先前看金順使用,我一直很想買隨身杯,但是覺得太貴又沒有動力,今天看到有人拿鋼製的星巴克隨隨身瓶,十分動心,but the price is not attractive to me, cause NT$900 is too expensive!
我跟蟲說要趕回學校上Property Law, so 我們又搭KRTC回oress.
回程,因為coffee太燙,難入口,所以hold on hand,但是依稀記得KRTC上好像禁食、禁喝飲料, 害我猶豫得想說到底能不能將coffee帶進station。
到站後遇到蛋頭、淑珍和書敏,they're heading for Zuoing station, 我們小聊了一下,然後就準備離站。
2008年3月24日 星期一
2008年3月21日 星期五
The way home
高雄楠梓興南路,統聯興南站,4點43,oh yes,還有時間,但是人真多...
排隊買票,waiting... ,4點55買到票。
心中開始盤算,若一般車最多上5~7個,15分一班車,那我不是要等到6、7點才搭的到車= =
0103 of course,this is a train bound for Taipei, and the stops are Taichung and Banciao.
Nice and perfect!I finally home.
2008年3月20日 星期四
2008年3月18日 星期二
It's fucking HOT
2008年3月16日 星期日
2008年3月12日 星期三
2008年3月9日 星期日
2008年3月6日 星期四
2008年3月5日 星期三
2008年3月2日 星期日

雙股螺旋,Double Helix。
1930 年著名的遺傳學家 McClintock 和 Muller 在真核細胞染色體末端發現重複序列稱之為端粒。在人類,染色體末端端粒是由 TTAGGG 的核苷酸序列一再重覆排列所組成,而端粒的作用是在於保護染色體末端結構上的穩定性,以及避免與其他染色體融合在一起。正常體細胞的端粒會隨細胞分裂的次數增加而日漸縮短,而當細胞約分裂 50 次後,端粒因長度減短而使染色體不穩定,導致細胞老化、停止生長甚至死亡。由於正常的人類體細胞的生命是有限的,會衰老、死亡。
研究報告 85% - 100%的腫瘤組織中可以測到端粒酵素的活性,除一些正常增生細胞 (肝臟細胞、子宮內膜細胞、血球幹細胞等) 有端粒酵素活性外,在正常的體細胞很少能測到端粒酵素的活性。因此認為端粒酵素在調控細胞增殖與癌化扮演重要角色。
Def. from Wiki:
後設既為 meta 的翻譯,其意義便是「關於什麼的什麼」,如後設資料就是「關於資料的資料」,例如在圖書館當中的一本書籍是一筆資料,而一本書的作者、出版日期、出版者等相關資料,就是這本書的後設資料。
Def. from 網友:
2008年3月1日 星期六
It's another Saturday, which still have classes.
You may ask what kind of classes did i attend?
Let me tell you.
It's a disaster.
晚上看了一部電影,偽鈔製造者,Die Fealscher。
2008年2月29日 星期五
A message from Korea
我在Facebook的Super Wall中有一封新的Message,
"Hey man~ How's it going there?
Last friday, I was graduate school, and I've got a job in Korea.
So now I'm a bussiness man~!
I really hope to see u, someday~!!
Have a nice daY!"
Lee, I always call his nick name "Doc", where we meet each other at NCSU summer school.
It's was last summer, my lovely room mate.
Now, he graduated from graduate school and going to work in Korea.
But i still a student in university, and also, i really want to go to Korea to see friends i made at NCSU.
However, Congratulations!
Best wish to my dear friend, Doc!
2008年2月27日 星期三
2008年2月24日 星期日
Lantern Festival
And in Taiwan we just celebrate with a huge display of decorative lanterns.
But this year i had no chance to celebrate it, cause i had to work till Saturday.
And after the class on Saturday, it's rained and chill. It made me stay at home and of course i had works to do. Till Sunday afternoon, i finally finished my homeworks. But thought about the distance between downtown and the petroleum price, i made myself to stay at home,too.
What a boring weekend i had = =
2008年2月22日 星期五
Dinner at IKEA
After a long line, we finally enjoyed our meal. Dinner with half price is the main reason we went there :)
To sum up,
a plate of pork with curry sauce = $60
a scoop of ice cream = $10
a shower towel = $135
a cup of espresso = Free
enjoyment = infinity!
2008年2月19日 星期二
Some feeling
This days i'm reading "KAFKA Für Eilige", which is a book talk about Kafka's life and works.
And i finished a film named "The Edukator", or「替天行盜」in Chinese.
Jan是Peter的死黨兼室友,他們在夜晚進行「替天行盜」的整人遊戲,把奢華的家具大搬風,以「教育者The Edukator」署名留下「好日子不多了!」的紙條。懷著怨忿的他們在Hardenberg家中搗亂時卻碰上了屋主返家,只好將錯就錯地綁架他到深山裡躲鋒頭。孰料三人行的默契隨著Jan與Jule情愫曝光後面臨考驗,而自顧不暇的他們在談話中更發現今日的保守富豪昨日也曾是68學運的基進份子,─這世界到底是怎麼一回事?在孤獨的革命反叛路上該如何堅持前行?本片勾勒了青年運動者的信仰與困境,隨著主角旅途的開展,觀眾也經歷了一場正義理念與實踐的自我辯證,直視所謂「進步青年」在實現理想和爭取社會認同之間折衝掙扎的困境。
話說,當我看完時,沒有多想就去挑下一部film來看。但是今天上法理學時 Herr 張提到說,法理學/法律哲學是一門「反省的學問」。我們進入法律學習領域前,是否有一個理想,preparing for national exams, learning the laws to keep justice or just want to making money...whatever u think. 但是當我們真正接觸法律後,是否真正達到自己的目的,所學是否是自己當初所喜歡、所嚮往的?我想多數的人可能無法摸著良心大聲的說 "This is what i want/like."
老師在後半堂課中放了一部 documentary film "刑法100",訴說著當我們以哲學角度審視法律時,你真得相信現行的法律是合法合理的嗎?是否會像 Hitler時期的 Germany一樣,Hitler雖是民選出來的,合法,但是那時期所制定的法律是否合理?又將 Jews關進集中營的法律呢?
Legal, but not Reasonable.
回到正題,替天行盜中 Herr Hardenberg年輕時的當年勇,與今日之 Millionaire形象,有著十萬八千里的差別,片中一度以為他接受了年輕人的精神,而重燃心中的那小火苗,但是片尾來個 Big U-Turn,果然,人是犯賤的,俗話說"由儉入奢易,由奢入儉難",到手的肥羊誰會放掉呢?
看看凱達格蘭大道頭的那歷史建築的現任主人,以及正在妄想入主的 buyer吧。
2008年2月17日 星期日
2008年2月13日 星期三
A 5000NTD phone bill
I received a call just few minutes ago. It's was a disaster cause my mom tell me that last two months my cell phone bill is almost 5,000NTD.
OMG! OMG! OMG! This is the most expensive phone bill that i ever had.
God damn it!
Now i remember that the one who i called the most last Dec.
Thank you, Mr. CA!
2008年2月11日 星期一
Today's menu
I had the chance cause my parents have a discount from having a co-branded credit card, therefore we had a meal there.
I don't know which level(4 or 5 stars?) is Howard Taichung, but i do know is it's not cheap for having a meal in this restaurant - 495 each person at afternoon tea time.
I eat sushi, goose liver(foie gras), BBQ, and pasta, etc and as the intro. of Mirage "Eastern, Western and Japanese cuisines, exquisite desserts, fresh and delicious juices and drinks for your selection. Tantalize your taste buds in the bright and cheerful dining environment with warm, attentive service."
I really had a good time there.
2008年2月8日 星期五
One fact about exercise
How little exercise can u do and still be healthy?
The answer is less than u may thought.
For the first time in more than a decade, two major U.S. medical associations have revised their physical-activity guidelines, and the result may disappoint these with pricey gym memberships. Turns out that all u need is 30 mins. per day of brisk walking five days a week and 8-10 strength-training exercises like sit-ups or push-ups twice a week.
Easy, indeed.
So I think it's time to set a regular exercise plan, ummmm...... maybe I need to add this plan to my goal :)
2008年2月4日 星期一
Asa - eye adaba
Asa - Eye Adaba
Oju mo ti mo Oju mo ti mo mi Ni le yi o o Oju mo ti mo - mo ri re o
Eye adaba Eye adaba Eye adaba ti n fo lo ke lo ke Wa ba le mi o o Oju mo ti mo mo ri re o
I wake up at dawn As it dawn’s upon me I wake up to the sun Shining upon me
I see doves in the sky Birds flying high Then in silence I pray for peace For my people